Brocksford Hall

A trip down memory lane

2010 Summer Cricket Matches

Graham K has passed on news to me about the 2010 summer cricket matches:

* Thursday 15th July Lullington 2 p.m. start
* Friday 16th. July Barton under Needwood, also a 2 p.m. start.

There are a number of OBs on each day but, of necessity, a fair number of guest players.

As noted last year, “The cricket is of a high standard and for many years Old Brocksfordians and other guest players have combined with members of Sidmouth Cricket Club to present a week of cricket in a very delightful setting. Any Old Brocksfordians interested in spectating or in discussing the possibility of playing are welcome to contact David Russell for further details: tel – 01531 670378.”

As for the Sidmouth cricket week, “Sidmouth is usually the August Bank Holiday week”, but we await confirmation from DWR.

GK emailed on the 13th of July to say this:

“I had a message from David Russell to say that if the match happened at all on Thursday 15th. July at Lullington there would be few, if any, OB s in the team. Weather permitting, the match at Barton under Needwood will go ahead on Friday 16th., & will have a decent number of OB s in the team.”

So, there we have it.

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